Aging’s Never Looked So Good!
September brings us the opportunity to celebrate Healthy Aging Month. At Niobrara Community Hospital
Autism affects 1 in 44 children in the United State with 3.5 million people falling on the autism spectrum. Autism is a genetic disorder that has no relation to childhood vaccines. There is currently no medical detection for autism, however, early detection can give children the best opportunity for healthy development.
Make the commitment to keeping our communities safer and healthier. Join us on April 30th to help reduce the number of overdoses and overdose-related deaths in our community.
The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day event is hosted nationwide to provide the public with a free and convenient opportunity for the disposal of unwanted, unused, and expired medicines from households. The event is hosted by the DEA in partnership with local law enforcement agencies all across the United States.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. We are joining the fight to help raise awareness for mental health. At Niobrara Community Hospital we want to provide resources, support, and education to help support people with mental illness.
September brings us the opportunity to celebrate Healthy Aging Month. At Niobrara Community Hospital
Niobrara County Hospital District operates Niobrara Community Hospital and Rawhide Rural Health Clinic, and is designated as a Critical Access Hospital. We have been certified as a Trauma 4 Facility offering emergency room care 24-hours per day, seven days per week, acute care beds, long-term swing beds and the related ancillary services including laboratory, radiology, 64-Slice CT, and infusion therapy. Rawhide Rural Health Clinic is designated as a Rural Health Clinic and provides primary care services.
We are excited as we enter our summer months here at NCHD and look forward to serving the community and all our upcoming visitors.
The hospital hosted visitors from Washington D.C. on May 24th that assist our Wyoming Senators in healthcare policy. They were very interested in our facility and all the great strides we have made to continue hometown healthcare and add service lines to our facility to better serve our community. We will be hosting an ice cream sundae social for our ECF residents and their families on Friday July 7th from 1;30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. We are excited to showcase our soft serve ice cream machine that the hospital auxiliary purchased for us. We are also hosting an Open House on August 1st @ 4:30 p.m. and our doors will be open to the public until 6;00 p.m. for a tour and snacks will be provided as well. Our facility is also embarking on the journey to become accredited through an independent agency which will provide us with the ability to improve performance and ensure patient standards of excellence are always met. We would also like to congratulate Karen Alexander, NP on gaining her certification in Skin Care and Facial Aesthetics. Please reach out to the Rawhide Rural Health Clinic for more information and appointment times. We are celebrating Risk Management week starting June 19th, please stop by to see how we identify and mitigate risk in a healthcare environment.
Don’t forget to call the Rawhide Rural Health Clinic for your Well Child visit. We are here for all stages of development, education on appropriate vaccines, and physical exams.
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Not finding what you’re looking for?
Find forms, make payments and more from our convenient patient resources page.
We have also been working to improve our facility and the business office billing and processes for the past year and we are starting to see significant measurable changes from the community’s perspective. The hospital continues to struggle with RNs for the ER, but we have been very happy with the travelers who have devoted their time to our facility and our patients.
The hospital applied for and received a grant from the state that allows us to purchase a new portable X-ray machine for Radiology. We are excited to continue making facility upgrades with the community’s generosity and the state grants we continue to apply for.
The ECF residents were able to enjoy the new ice cream machine the auxiliary purchased for them throughout the warm summer days. The ECF residents have also been able to enjoy a lovely tea-party organized by our staff and pictures are always posted in our NCHD newsletter, please stop by, and grab a copy if you would like to see the pictures. The dietary department and Care Coordinator have set up a family night for our ECF residents’ families, please join us September 28th for our first family night.
P.O. BOX 780
Dr. Joleen Falkenburg
Monday and Wednesday from 8:00 AM through 5:00 PM
Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 AM through 3:00 PM
Karen Alexander NP
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:00 AM through 5:00 PM
Wednesday from 8:00 AM through 12:00 PM
Walk-Ins Welcome